Tags: AI, digitale transformatie, technologie

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR: a no-brainer

This is basically good news for Human Resources and for your business. Usually HR is one step behind in the digital transformation and AI now offers the chance to catch up. AI can help eliminate repetitive tasks, accelerate the search for talent, reduce employee attrition andimprove employee engagement. The algorithms train themselves to simulate human behaviour and to re-imagine workers experience. AI reacts faster in helping draw out the insights and inferences that might otherwise take reams of manpower or stay uncovered at all.

This is basically good news for Human Resources and for your business. Usually HR is one step behind in the digital transformation and AI now offers the chance to catch up. AI can help eliminate repetitive tasks, accelerate the search for talent, reduce employee attrition and improve employee engagement. The algorithms train themselves to simulate human behaviour and to re-imagine workers experience. AI reacts faster in helping draw out the insights and inferences that might otherwise take reams of manpower or stay uncovered at all.

Still, many HR-professionals are reluctant to embrace this breakthrough technology. Some feel algorithms can never replace human empathy and intuition. There are doubts about the availability and quality of data and whether AI can add something new to what we already know about the dynamics of the workforce.

Download de whitepaper hier.

Tags: AI, digitale transformatie, technologie
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